One Joplin brings together business leaders, involved citizens and advocates for social change to improve the overall health and future stability of our community.

a young woman carrying a box of saplings laughing in an outdoor setting

We believe that creating a collaborative environment is the first step toward building a flourishing Joplin, because a successful community is rooted in relationships. When we get to know one another, we can see that we share many hopes, dreams and visions for the future.

And more importantly, we start to see how we can help each other—and accomplish more—by pooling our knowledge and resources.

One Joplin is made possible by a small group of dedicated individuals who have committed themselves to studying Joplin’s core issues and working toward a greater good. We never stop learning about and reaching out directly to our community members who are most in need.

Tackling the issues surrounding poverty, health, education and literacy is no small task. But when we work together, we truly are One Joplin. Join a team today to make a difference!

Our Leadership

Nicole Brown EdD

Executive Director

Nicole Brown EdD has lived in the Joplin region for more than 20 years. She earned a doctorate in higher education administration and a Master’s of Business Management from Lindenwood University, as well as a Bachelor’s in Agricultural Business from Missouri Valley College. Having held leadership roles at national youth-oriented foundations like FFA (Future Farmers of America) and 4-H, Nicole’s career has always been driven by her passion for community. She has served on the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Network Executive Team, United Way Board and Liberty Utilities Regional Board. She has also served community youth through her professional roles at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, Missouri Southern State University, and Kansas City University-Joplin. Nicole currently serves on the Jasper County Association for Social Services Board, and resides on a small farm in the Joplin area with her husband and two children.

Nicole Brown Photo

One Joplin Steering Team

Benefitting from a variety of professional backgrounds and perspectives, our Steering Team provides guidance and leadership to serve the overall mission of One Joplin. Each member is tasked with assembling teams, identifying needs and supporting initiatives related to their area of specialty—whether research-focused or action-based.

2025 Steering Team Leaders:

melinda brown headshot
Melinda Brown
Missouri Southern State University
Chad Brueckner
Chad Brueckner
Arvest Bank
shawn daniel headshot
Shawn Daniel
Commerce Bank (Treasurer)
cameo harrington headshot
Cameo Harrington
Stealth Creative
chuck kralik headshot
Chuck Kralik
Byers Avenue United Methodist Church (Vice Chair)
kevin manning headshot
Kevin Manning
Ryan Melton
Ryan Melton
Freeman Health System Vice (Chair)
Tony Robyn
Tony Robyn
City of Joplin
kerry sachetta headshot
Kerry Sachetta
Joplin Schools
louise secker headshot
Louise Secker
Joplin Regional Community Foundation
ryan talken headshot
Ryan Talken
City of Joplin Health Department

Our Collaborators

Meet some of the businesses, non-profits and advocacy groups that One Joplin works closely with daily!

Access Family CareACT Work Ready CommunitiesAdult Education & Literacy Alliance of Southwest MissouriAlzheimer’s AssociationArea Agency on AgingArvest BankAscent RecoveryBoys and Girls of Southwest MissouriBridgesByers Avenue United Methodist ChurchCarlin TeamCatholic CharitiesChildren’s Center of SW MissouriChoices MedicalCity of JoplinCommunity Clinic of JoplinCommunity Partnership of the OzarksCommunity Support Services of MOCompass AcademyCompass Quest Veteran ServicesConnections Case ManagementCorner GreerCreative Learning AllianceDevelopmental Disability Resource BoardDogwood TrailblazersDownstream CasinoDowntown Joplin AllianceEconomic Security CorporationEconomic Security Early Childhood / HeadstartEdward JonesEmpire MarketFirst Baptist ChurchFirst StepsFreeman Health SystemGeorge Washington Carver National ParkGod’s ResortGuaranty BankHigher Power GarageHousing Authority of JoplinIndependent Living CenterJasper County CASAJasper County Health DepartmentJasper County Juvenile CenterJasper County Sheltered Facilities BoardJoplin Area Chamber of CommerceJoplin Area Fuller Center for HousingJoplin Area Habitat for HumanityJoplin Area Ministerial AllianceJoplin Family YMCAJoplin Fire DepartmentJoplin First United Methodist ChurchJoplin GreenhouseJoplin Health DepartmentJoplin NALAJoplin Parents as TeachersJoplin Public LibraryJoplin Regional Community FoundationJoplin SchoolsJourney Church / ABIDE Missions inc.KCULafayette HouseLegal AidLife Work TalentMcNab WellnessMercyMissouri Department of Social ServicesMissouri Foundation for HealthMissouri Job Centers – Southwest RegionMissouri Southern State UniversityMO Advisory Council on Alcohol & Drug AbuseMU ExtensionNeighborhood Life HouseOur Veterans FirstOzark CenterRaiseSalvation ArmyShow Me the OzarksSouls HarborSouthwest Missouri BankSpivaSt. Paul’s ChurchStealth CreativeThomas Jefferson Independent Day SchoolThrough Grace, Inc.U S BankVita Nova VillageWatered GardensWICWildcat Glades Nature GroupWorkforce Innovation Board of SW MissouriYouth Volunteer Corp